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getting household tasks done

when you’ve been subjected to sexual violence or abuse, many things that were previously a part of your everyday routine such as jobs around the house can feel overwhelming and unachievable. it’s important to remind yourself that it’s okay and totally normal to feel this way; please try not to get frustrated or angry at yourself; you’re doing awesomely!

to help you get through those tasks that really need doing, we’ve come up with a list of tips and tricks to help make them a little bit easier. hover over each box to discover each technique. you can use them all or just pick what will work best for you:

make a list...

  • take 2 minutes to jot down a list of what you need to do.

  • make sure you prioritise those tasks which really need doing and leave off what is less important, or create a separate list for those tasks.

  • this way you can visually see what really needs doing and satisfyingly cross it off as you go along.

create rewards...

  • if you’re someone who is motivated well through rewards, create yourself an incentive for completing tasks.

  • it may be an incentive for completing all the tasks (such as watching your favourite comfort movie, ordering a takeout, or doing an activity that you love) or, if the tasks are smaller, an incentive for completing each one (such as grabbing a chocolate from the box, having a tea or coffee break, or popping on an episode of your favourite show).

simplify your tasks...

  • as you add things to your list, break them down into smaller chunks. for example, rather than just writing ‘hoover’, write ‘hoover kitchen, hoover bedroom’ etc.

  • while this will make the list longer, you’ll be checking tasks off more quickly which will give you more sense of achievement.

  • within this, only do aspects of the task that are necessary: you can clean that kitchen, but don’t worry about cleaning and rearranging that cupboard you’ve been thinking about doing for months, it can wait.

take it one step at a time...

  • as you work through your list, try not to think about everything there is to do as a whole.

  • instead, just take it one step at a time and remember to hype yourself.

  • if you cant get everything done today, that’s totally okay.

  • go easy on yourself, you’re absolutely smashing it!

set timers...

  • some people find it very beneficial to set timers for completing each task.

  • this should be as short an amount of time as is realistic.

  • setting a timer can be really motivating as it means you know when you’ll be done and gives you a target to beat.

  • it means you're much less likely to get distracted or put it off mid-task.

it's okay to ask for help...

  • you’re going through a really difficult time right now.

  • it's totally okay to struggle with doing these jobs, even after trying some of the techniques listed above.

  • if you’re still struggling, don’t put yourself down, ask someone (it could be a friend, family member or partner) if they would be able to give you a hand with doing the tasks or motivating you to do them.

  • communicate with them how they can best support you; you’re not alone.

blast the tunes!..

  • pop on your favourite feel-good playlist.

  • start by having a little boogy and sing to it (even if you’re really not feeling like it), this will help boost your dopamine and energy and will help make the tasks more fun!


  • it's easy for tasks to feel stressful right now

  • if you feel yourself starting to get anxious or stressed, take the time to take a few deep breaths and gather your thoughts

  • if you need a break, it's okay to take one of those too

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