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jobs and volunteering

we know that getting back into a job or volunteering role can be difficult after trauma and there is no rush. here at GINA HQ, we have gathered some tips for when you are ready to get back into your role

tips for going back into your role

  • keep communication open with your employer: let them know when you are coming back and how many hours you are planning to work/volunteer when you go back 


  • feeling safe: if you don't feel safe returning to work, you could discuss this with your employer. also, have a think about your travelling arrangements and how safe these are


  • support: have a think about any support you need before going back into your role. this could be from your employer, your friends, your family or even professionals like doctors


  • catch up: catch up with any news or events that have been happening at the organisation you work/volunteer for 


  • a gradual return: you could ask your manager whether it would be possible to have a phased return to work if you feel like this would be something that would benefit you


  • readjust to your working hours: a few days before you are due to start work, start to get into a routine like waking up at the time you would normally wake up for your role 


  • wellness action plan: you could discuss with your manager creating a wellness action plan (WAP) which will allow both parties to support your mental health whilst at work. check out Mind’s guide to a WAP here. you can can also find GINA’s wellness action plan template here

tips for getting a role

  • trial and error: you can try many different types of work and see what would suit you for example, volunteering, part-time, full time, apprenticeships 


  • explore: have a think what sort of job would suit you, what skills do you have that could be utilised in a job role?


  • research: have a look at some jobs that are available, do they sound like they would be good for you? have a little look at researching some companies that you would be a good fit for 


  • support: have a think about what support you may need on this journey, think about who might be able to help you whether this is family or friends

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