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getting social again

getting social again after being subjected to violence or abuse is not always an easy task. however you're feeling right now is valid and you are not alone. you don't have to rush to be social again however, if you would like to, you can take a look at our tips to help you along the way...

be open

consider telling someone you’re socialising with that this may tough and you may need to take time out. try and communicate with them how they can best support you

even if you weren’t able to socialise as much as you hoped or even at all. This is your journey and it wont always be stable, but that's okay.

be proud of yourself

start small

if getting social again is particularly daunting to you, start with something easy and familiar such as hanging out with a couple of trusted friends in a comfortable setting. you can ease into pubs and clubs later as socialising becomes easier

take it slow

as you look into getting social again, don't rush or put pressure on yourself. it's okay if this takes time; be proud of yourself for everything you're achieving, even you're not where you thought you'd be at this time

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