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we're only human & its only natural that we don't know everything. sometimes we are unable to meet the needs of an individual who has been subjected to sexual violence & abuse. this may be because they are asking too much of us or we simply don't have the answer. if this is the case, it might be a good idea to signpost them to a professional or an organisation can meet their needs and give them any support or advice that they require. 

why is signposting a good idea? 

to avoid misinformatio

to avoid taking on too much

to help us receive the
support & care that we need

it always a good idea for us
to receive accurate information
about the services available or on how
to cope. if you don't know an 
answer to a question, saying,
"I don't know" is perfectly
we can only do want we can to help.
taking more responsibilities than we
are able & willing to can lead to
burn out & poor mental health. 
signposting can be a form of
self-care for the support
professionals & organisations are
trained to offer advice, care & support
for those who have been subjected to 
sexual violence & abuse. they
will be able to meet our needs
best & help our healing

good phrases to use 

i'm really sorry but i don't know the answer to this/i am unable to help you with this. It might be a good idea for you to ask X.
i hear that you have X needs. i think there is a professional/organisation that would be great at supporting you. would you like me to help you contact them?

where should i signpost to?

a great place to start if you wanted a list of organisations to sign post to is the directory of support resource from the GINA website. 

i feel bad knowing i can't help you

we understand that a lovely human like yourself wants to do everything they can to help an individual who has been subjected to sexual violence & abuse. however, we know that this is not always possible. it may be because you are unable to commit to supporting us on a frequent basis or that our experiences also bring up trauma for you. please know that by referring us to another person or service, this does not mean that you are not enough in any way. it takes a lot of courage to accept that you might not be the right person to help. in a way, signposting us may be the best thing you can do for us. being able to interact with someone who can fully meet our needs will be transformative in our healing process. 
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